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Possumquarter Creekrises in W central Warren County and flows S into Fishing Creek. Probably named for Possum Quarter, the plantation of Governor Gabriel Johnston, mentioned in his 1751 will. Appears on the Price map, 1808, as Possum Creek.
PossumtownSee Bethany.
Possumtrotcommunity in W Yancey County on Possumtrot Creek. Named by an early settler who was riding down a trail on horseback when a lone opossum entered the path ahead of him and trotted along in front of the horse for some distance.
Possumtrot Creekrises in W Yancey County and flows NE into Bald Creek.
Post OakSee Blaine.
Postellcommunity in W Cherokee County on Shoal Creek. Alt. 1,900. Named for Thomas Postell, an early settler.
Pot Branchrises in S McDowell County and flows SE into Rutherford County, where it enters Briar Creek. Erosion in rocks over which it flows has made potlike holes.
Pot Cove Gapon the Buncombe-McDowell county line near the headwaters of Flat Creek.
Potaskike RiverSee North River.
Potato Branchrises in SW Buncombe County near Potato Gap and flows NW into South Turkey Creek.