North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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Lewaraetown in S Richmond County. Est. 1900; inc. 1905. No longer active in municipal affairs. Name derived from parts of the names of three local families: Leak, Wall, and MacRae.
Lewellyn Covefollows the course of a stream emptying into Little Tennessee River in N Graham County.
Lewiscommunity in E Granville County. Named for Willis Lewis, local doctor. Alt. 545.
LewisSee Atkinson.
Lewis Branchrises in E central Brunswick County and flows N into Lewis Swamp.
Lewis Branchrises in NW Jackson County and flows NE into Tuckasegee River.
Lewis Branchrises in N Madison County and flows S into Big Laurel Creek.
Lewis Canalcentral Washington County, drains NE from East Dismal Swamp into Main Canal.
Lewis Creekan inlet of Core Sound into SE Cedar Island in NE Carteret County.
Lewis Creekrises on SE Core Banks and flows N into Core Sound in SE Carteret County.