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Hildrupformer mining town in S McDowell County in the vicinity of Demming, which see.
Hillcommunity in NW Pitt County served by post office, 1892-1916.
Hill ForestN Durham County. Contains 2,450 acres. The original tract of 275 acres was donated by George Watts Hill of Durham to North Carolina State College in 1929. He later assisted in financing additional purchases of land. Named for the original donor. The second-year class of the Department of Forestry and Environmental Resources spends 10 weeks in summer camp there doing surveying and all phases of forestry, such as timber cruising, dendrology, stand improvement, and mensuration. The camp is equipped with classrooms, dormitory, dining hall, and all necessary facilities.
Hill HollowN Mitchell County on a tributary of Spring Creek.
Hill Topcommunity in SW Guilford County.
Hill's Bridgenineteenth-century span across Potecasi Creek, N Hertford County between Murfreesboro and Winton. Site of a Civil War skirmish, 1863. U.S. Highway 158 now crosses at or near the site.
Hill's PointSee Fort Hill.
Hill's Rocka landing in SW Carteret County on the mainland side of Bogue Sound. Named for Edward Hill, on whose plantation it was located in the middle of the nineteenth century. Also known as White Rock.
Hillgirtcommunity in N Henderson County.
Hilliards MillSee Tippetts Mill Pond.