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Catstair Branchrises in NE Cherokee County and flows NW into Ashturn Branch.
Catstairs, Thea very rough and steep trail followed by wildcats from one mountain to another near the head of West Fork Overflow Creek in S Macon County. See also Winding Stairs for another use of the name.
Cattail Baya loam-filled bay in central Columbus County.
Cattail Branchrises in N Wilson County near Cliftonsville and flows S approx. 1 mi. into Toisnot Swamp.
Cattail Creekis formed in S Yancey County by the junction of North Fork Cattail Creek and South Fork Cattail Creek. It flows NW into Cane River.
Cattail Creekrises in central Granville County and flows SW into Tar River.
Cattail PeakS Yancey County between Balsam Cone and Potato Hill in the Black Mountains. Alt. 6,583.
Cattail Swamprises in N central Wilson County and flows E into Town Creek.
CauseySee Bonlee.
Cavanaugh Ditcha drain in S Duplin County to carry the waters of Kenan Pocosin into Northeast Cape Fear River.