North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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Bailey's Forkrises in S central Burke County and flows N into Silver Creek.
BaileysSee Bailey.
Baincommunity in E Davidson County near the headwaters of Beaverdam Creek.
Baines Mountainin S Swain County between Little Yalaka Creek and De Hart Branch.
Baird's ForgeSee Granite Falls.
Bairds CreekSee Beards Creek.
Bairds Creekrises in W central Watauga County and flows SW into Watauga River.
BakerSee Drexel.
Baker Creekrises in W central Yancey County and flows N into Cane River. Named for Sidney Baker, an early settler.
Baker Gapon the Watauga County, N.C. Johnson County, Tenn., line in the Stone Mountains.