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Tracey Swamprises in N Jones County and flows N along the Craven-Lenoir county line into Neuse River. See also Gum Swamp.
Tracycommunity in N Watauga County on North Fork New River.
Tracy Grovecommunity in E Henderson County.
Trading Fordformer ford across the Yadkin River, Rowan and Davidson Counties. The E end of Big Island was one terminus of the ford. In 1701 John Lawson visited the site, which was on a trading path maintained by Indians across central North Carolina. Gen. Nathanael Greene's American army made a crossing there, February 1, 1781, when almost caught by Cornwallis. High water prevented the British from overtaking the exhausted Americans. A Confederate fort and earth-works nearby protected the railroad and a toll bridge during the Civil War.
Trading Patha colonial trading route dating from the seventeenth century from Petersburg, Va., to the Catawba and Waxhaw Indians. One branch entered North Carolina in Granville County and another in Warren County. They converged near the present site of Oxford and followed a SW route through Granville, Durham, Orange, Alamance, Guilford, Randolph, Davidson, Rowan, and Cabarrus Counties. At about the present site of Concord, the road split, with a W branch leading through present Charlotte to the Catawba Indians. The E branch led almost directly S through Union County to the Waxhaw Indians. The Trading Path appears on the Collet map, 1770, and the Mouzon map, 1775.
Trafalgar, Cabo deSee Cape Fear.
Trail Branchrises in NE Cherokee County and flows NW into McClellan Creek.
Trail Ridgea twisting mountain ridge in N Clay County extending N from Tusquitee Ridge to Wolf Ridge.
Trail RidgeW Haywood County, extends E from the county line to Palmer Creek.
Trail RidgeNW Macon County between Long Branch and Otter Creek.