North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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Little Johnson CreekSee Beech Creek.
Little Jonas Creekrises in N Swain County and flows SE into Jonas Creek.
Little Juniper Creekrises in S Lee County and flows NE into Little River.
Little Juniper Creekrises in central Moore County and flows NW into Big Juniper Creek.
Little Kings Creekrises in NE Caldwell County and flows NE into Kings Creek.
Little Kinnekeet Coast Guard Stationdecommissioned station on Hatteras Island, SE Dare County. First est. as a lifesaving station in 1874. Life-saving Service and Revenue Cutter Service joined to form U.S. Coast Guard in 1915.
Little Kitchens RidgeSE Clay County between Holden Cove and Tallulah River.
Little Knobon Haywood-Swain county line.
Little Knobon the Madison County, N.C.-Greene County, Tenn., line.
Little Knob Creekrises in N Cleveland County and flows SE into Knob Creek.