North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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Longtowncommunity in W Burke County.
Longtowncommunity in SE Lincoln County.
Longtowncommunity in W Yadkin County on South Deep Creek.
Longviewtown in NW Catawba County W of Hickory. Inc. 1907. Earlier known as Penelope. Served by post office of that name, 1888-1904.
Longviewcommunity in SE Guilford County served by post office, 1891-1901.
Longwoodcommunity in SW Brunswick County.
Longwood Parkcommunity on the outskirts of Hamlet, S Richmond County. Known also as Northeast Hamlet.
Lonnie-Womble Creekrises in N Lee County and flows SE into Cape Fear River.
Lookadoo MountainN Rutherford County between Carson Mountain and the head of Duncans Creek.
Looking Glass Creekrises in N Transylvania County E of Bennett Gap on the Haywood-Transylvania county line and flows S into Davidson River. Located in Pisgah National Forest.