North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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Locust KnobNE Swain County on Heintooga Ridge in Great Smoky Mountains National Park, lat. 35°33'27" N., long. 83°12'08" W. Alt. 4,034.
Locust LevelSee Locust.
Locust Licklog Gapcentral Graham County in Cheoah Mountains between Hazanet Knob and Wauchecha Bald.
Locust Mountain, Theon Burke-McDowell county line.
Locust RidgeNE Buncombe County S of Staire Branch.
Locust Ridgeon the Madison County, N.C.-Unicoi County, Tenn., line.
Locust RidgeW Swain County in Great Smoky Mountains National Park extending S from Big Chestnut Bald.
Locust RidgeE Yancey County between White-oak and Locust Creeks.
Locust Rough MountainN Yancey County at the SE end of Bailey Hill.
Locust Rough RidgeW Yancey County between Simms Fork and Lickskillet Branch.