North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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Factor Branchrises in central Haywood County and flows NE into Lake Junaluska. Named for a "factory" that once stood nearby. The structure was a large warehouse where plants and herbs were collected, graded, dried, and packed for shipment.
Factory Branchrises in W Macon County and flows SW into Nantahala River.
Factory BranchSee Factor Branch.
FagansvilleSee Carthage.
Faggart MineSee Nash Mine.
Faggartscommunity in central Cabarrus County.
Faggarts TownshipSee Watts Cross Roads Township.
Faggs Creekrises in N Stokes County and flows S into Dan River.
Fain CoveE Cherokee County, through which a short tributary of Slow Creek flows.
Fain Mountaincentral Cherokee County, extends NE from Laurel Creek.