North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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Brushy RidgeNW Burke County. Alt. 3,600.
Brushy Ridgeextends NE between Bear Branch and Bad Fork in NW Henderson County.
Brushy RidgeE Macon County between Little Salt Rock Creek and the head of Wildcat Creek.
Brushy RidgeS Macon County between Rock Branch and Falls Branch.
Brushy RidgeW Madison County between Maple Spring Branch and Meadow Fork.
Brushy RidgeSE Polk County on the South Carolina line.
Brushy Ridge Branchrises in W Transylvania County and flows SW into Cathey's Creek.
Bryancommunity in S Chatham County served by post office, 1891-1904.
Bryancommunity in E Pitt County.
Bryan Creekrises in central Pitt County and flows SE into Tar River.