North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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Brice Creekrises in S Craven County and flows NW into Trent River. Appears on the Moseley map, 1733.
Brice Creek PocosinSW Craven County.
Brick Churchcommunity in SE Guilford County. First German Calvinist (German Reformed) church in Guilford County.
Brick Kiln Branchrises in NE Onslow County and flows SE into White Oak River.
Brick MillSee Hunsucker.
Brickhavencommunity in Chatham County. Center of brick manufacturing.
BrickhouseSee Savages Crossroads.
Brickhouse PointE Pasquotank County extends into the Pasquotank River S of Davis Bay.
Brickle InnSee Union.
Brickle's FerrySee Brittle's Ferry.