North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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Waterville Lakeon Pigeon River in N Haywood County in Pisgah National Forest. Alt. 2,258. Constructed in 1929 for hydroelectric power. Covers 340 acres; max. depth 180 ft.
Watery Branchrises in W Johnston County and flows E into Juniper Swamp.
Watery Branchrises in N Scotland County and flows NE into Lumber River.
Watery Branchrises in NE Wayne County near the town of Eureka and flows NE into Greene County, where it enters Contentnea Creek.
Watery Branchcommunity in NE Wayne County. Settled as early as 1887.
Watery Swamprises in central Gates County and flows S into Bennetts Creek.
Wathatown in N central Pender County. Alt. 60. Inc. 1909. About 1840, with the construction of the railroad, the old town of South Washington, which see, moved to the site from a point approx. 1½ mi. NE. The railroad station originally was named Hiawatha, from which the present name was corrupted. For about two years after the formation of Pender County, Waterville served as a temporary county seat. See also Welsh Tract.
Watia Creekrises in W Swain County and flows E into Nantahala River.
Watkinscommunity in W Vance County on Little Ruin Creek. Named for Samuel Watkins, Henderson merchant.
Watkins Branchrises in NE Cherokee County and flows NW into Valley River.