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Thurmondcommunity in NE Wilkes County at the Surry County line.
Thurstoncommunity in SE Alexander County served by post office, 1881-1902.
Thurz MountainN Buncombe County NW of Wiley Mountain.
Tiancokan Indian village of the Chawanoac tribe; appears on the Comberford map, 1657, located in what is now N Hertford County between Potecasi Creek and Meherrin River near the Chowan River. See also Cokey Swamp.
Tibb RidgeE Cherokee County in the Valley River Mountains.
Tibbs Runrises in E Randolph County and flows SE into Richland Creek.
Ticer Branchrises in W Mecklenburg County and flows SW into Paw Creek.
Tick Creekrises in W Chatham County and flows NE into Rocky River.
Tickle Creekrises in E Guilford County and flows SE into Alamance County, where it enters Traverse Creek.
Tidewater Areaa portion of the Coastal Plain, which see, from 30 to 80 mi. wide on the mainland side of the sounds in E North Carolina. Much of the area is swampland, known locally as "dismals" and "pocosins." There also are a number of natural lakes there, as well as many areas of savanna with a thick growth of grass and many wildflowers.