North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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StantonSee South Creek.
Stanton TownshipW Wilkes County.
Stanton's Gutstream, begins in SE Wilson County at the NE outskirts of Stantonsburg and runs SW into Contentnea Creek after a course of approx. 2 mi.
Stanton-HarroldSee South Creek.
Stantonsburgtown in SE Wilson County on Contentnea Creek. Alt. 92. Inc. 1817. Post office name in 1828 was Stantonburgh. Named for Willie J. Stanton, one on the first commissioners, or James Stanton, first mayor. The former community of Moyton, named for Francis M. Moye, on the E outskirts of the town, is now a part of Stantonsburg.
Stantonsburg TownshipS Wilson County.
Startown in E Montgomery County. Inc. 1897. Named by Angus Leach, local merchant, because of the high elevation of the site, visible from all directions. Known first as Hunsucker's Store. Alt. 637. Produces textiles and hosiery.
Star Branchrises near Oaks Knob, W Avery County, and flows NE into Roaring Creek.
Star Branchrises in N central Yancey County and flows NW into Jacks Creek.
Star Hollowvalley of Star Branch, W Avery County.