North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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Big Stonehouse CreekSee Stonehouse Creek.
Big Swagpeak of Round Mountain Ridge in NW Swain County in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Alt. 3,685.
Big Swag Branchrises in central Jackson County and flows N into Bear Creek.
Big Swag GapSee Beech Gap.
Big Swamprises in W Sampson County and flows S into South River.
Big Swampis formed in E Robeson County by the junction of Big Marsh Swamp and Gallberry Swamp. It flows SW into Lumber River. Its E high-water line forms the boundary between Bladen and Robeson Counties and a part of the Cumberland-Robeson county line.
Big Swamprises in NW Brunswick County and flows SW into Juniper Creek for a distance of several mi.; it forms a part of the boundary between Brunswick and Columbus Counties.
Big Tompeak in Mount Mitchell State Park, S Yancey County. One of two peaks known as Black Brothers until 1947, when renamed in honor of Thomas "Big Tom" David Wilson (1825-1909), bear hunter and guide who found the body of Elisha Mitchell on July 7, 1857, after he had fallen to his death on Mount Mitchell. Known earlier as Hairy Bear Mountain.
Big Tomahawk CreekSee Troublesome Creek.
Big Tomahawk Creekrises in S Sampson County and flows S to join Little Tomahawk Creek in forming Tomahawk Creek.