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Roquist PocosinSW Bertie County.
Roscoecommunity in central Chatham County served by post office, 1883-1926.
Rosecommunity in N Chatham County served by post office, 1892-1904.
RoseSee Rosewood.
Rose Bayin Pamlico Sound W of Bell Island in S Hyde County. See also Cecils Harbor.
Rose Baycommunity in S Hyde County at the head of Rose Bay.
Rose Branchrises in central Mitchell County near Burns Mountain and flows W into North Toe River.
Rose Branchrises in W Nash County and flows S into Sapony Creek.
Rose Creekrises in NW Burke County on Rose Mountain and flows SE into Irish Creek. Named for pioneer Rose family.
Rose Creekrises in central Cherokee County and flows SE into Dockery Creek.