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Pochike RiverSee Meherrin River.
Pocket Creekrises in W Lee County and flows N into Deep River.
Pocket Townshipformer township in W Lee County (formerly Moore County), now township no. 7. A post office named The Pocket was est. there 1828 and continued to 1905. Named for the fact that it was isolated from the remainder of the county by a bend in Deep River, hence a "pocket."
Pocket, TheSee Pocket Township.
Pocomokecommunity in W Franklin County.
Pocosin Branchrises in S Jones County and flows N into Trent River.
Pocosin Branchrises in E Pitt County and flows SE into Tranters Creek.
Pocosin PointSee Poquoson Point.
Poe-li-coSee French Broad River.
Poga MountainN Avery County at the N end of Beech Mountain. Alt. 3,790. Local tradition is that a man was lost on the mountain for several days, and when he returned home he explained to his friends that he had "been to Pogey." He may have been using the English-dialect word "poggy," meaning boggy or sloppy, as a field in wet weather.