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Lancastercommunity in W Edgecombe County.
Lancaster Crossroadscommunity in W Nash County between Back Swamp and Peachtree Creek.
Lancaster Storecommunity in E Wayne County between The Slough and West Bear Creek.
Lance Creekrises in SW Watauga County, flows S to Camp Yonahlosee, then flows in a NW arc into Watauga River. About 4 mi. long.
Lance MountainS Buncombe County E of Reynolds Gap.
Land of Edenformer 20,000-acre tract belonging to William Byrd (1674-1744) along the Dan River, N Rockingham County. Byrd surveyed area in 1728. Named because of its Garden of Eden qualities. An additional 6,000 acres were granted to Byrd's son in 1742. Purchased from the younger Byrd by the Farley family in 1755; by 1769 it had been divided into farms and plantations. The town of Eden, formed in 1967 by the merger of Leaksville, Spray, and Draper, took its name from Byrd's estate.
Landgrave Smith's IslandSee Smith Island.
Landing CreekSee Gum Neck Creek.
Landing Ridgea ridge of high ground in Big Pocosin, SW Gates County.
Landistown in SW Rowan County. Inc. 1901. Named for Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis (1866-1944), who imposed a $29 million fine on Standard Oil Company at the time the community was searching for a name. Landis Northeast is a community on the outskirts of the town.