Place | Description |
Skeenah Creek |
is formed in S Macon County by the junction of North Fork [Skeenah Creek] and South Fork [Skeenah Creek] and flows E into Little Tennessee River. The name is said to be an Indian word meaning "the abode of satan." |
Skeenah Gap |
S Macon County between Black Mountain Branch and Jones Creek. |
Skewarky |
See Williamston. |
Skibo |
or Skibow (Sky-bow), community in central Cumberland County. Alt. 221. |
Skidder Branch |
rises in NE Swain County and flows SE into Straight Fork. |
Skiffley Creek |
rises in N Haywood County and flows SE into Pigeon River. |
Skiffly Branch |
rises in W Madison County and flows S into Roaring Fork. |
Skin Cabin Creek |
rises in S Surry County and flows SE into Ararat River. |
Skinner Canal |
N Washington County, drains N from East Dismal Swamp to Kendricks Creek. Known in 1868 as McRae Canal. |
Skinner's Point |
See Hornblower Point. |