Place | Description |
Settle |
community in NE Iredell County served by post office, 1873-1906. Alt. 700. A weather station from the 1880s until mid-twentieth century. |
Setzer Mountain |
W Haywood County parallel to Campbell Creek. Named for a prominent family of early settlers. Maggie Setzer, for whom the community of Maggie was named, was a descendant of the family. The highest peak of the ridge, which is 2½ mi. long, is 4,810 ft. in elevation. |
Setzer's Creek |
rises in N central Caldwell County and flows SE into Warrior Creek. Named for John Setzer, who settled nearby about 1830. |
Setzers Depot |
See Claremont. |
Setzers Gap |
central Caldwell County. Alt. 1,342. |
Seven Bridges |
community in W Robeson County. |
Seven Creeks |
is formed in S Columbus County by Big Cypress Swamp and Monie Swamp. It flows SE into Waccamaw River. |
Seven Devils |
commercially developed recreation area opened in 1966 in E Avery and W Watauga Counties on a 1,288-acre tract. |
Seven Mile Creek |
rises in E Orange County and flows SE into W Durham County, where it enters Eno River. |
Seven Mile Ridge |
N Haywood County, extends N parallel to McGinty Creek. |