Place | Description |
Deep Point |
point of land extending into Alligator River, E of junction of Intracoastal Waterway and Alligator River, N Hyde County. |
Deep River |
is formed in SW Guilford County at High Point Lake by the junction of East Fork Deep River and West Fork Deep River. It flows SE through Randolph County, continues across the NE edge of Moore County, and forms a part of the Chatham-Lee county line. It joins Haw River in SE Chatham County to form Cape Fear River. The junction of Haw and Deep Rivers, site of the town of Haywood, which see, was one of six sites suggested in 1788 for the location of the state capital. |
Deep River Township |
W Guilford County. |
Deep Run |
rises in SW Lenoir County and flows NE into Southwest Creek. |
Deep Run Swamp |
rises in E Martin County and flows NW into Gardners Creek. |
Deep Swamp Branch |
rises in SE Hertford County and flows NE into Chowan River. |
Deep Water Point |
appears on the Moseley map, 1733, in what is now Brunswick County between Elizabeth River and Walden Creek, E of the present town of Southport. Appeared as late as 1851-53 on navigation charts. See also Walkersburg. |
Deeplow Gap |
N Swain County on the E slope of Thomas Ridge in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. |
Deer Branch |
rises in N Yancey County and flows SE into Big Branch. |
Deer Creek |
a creek in Core Sound near Core Banks in E Carteret County. |