Folklore and Legends

Folklore and Legends
Brown Mountain Lights
by Dodge, Robert J. Brown mountain lights are unexplained phenomena that appear low in the air under favorable atmospheric conditions, grow in size, and then linger for a few minutes before fading away. Brown Mountain [...] (from Encyclopedia of North Carolina, University of North Carolina Press.)
Brown, Frank Clyde
by King, William E. Frank Clyde Brown, professor, departmental chairman, university administrator, and collector of folklore, was born in Harrisonburg, Va. His parents were John Michael and Emma Catherine Liskie Brown. [...] (from Dictionary of North Carolina Biography, University of North Carolina Press.)
Burial Customs
by DiNome, William G. Burial Customs by William G. DiNome, 2006 See also: Funerals; Town Creek Indian Mound. The nature of the specific burial customs that may have existed among the people inhabiting the [...] (from Encyclopedia of North Carolina, University of North Carolina Press.)
by Stevenson, George, Jr. Conjure is based on the belief that psychical and magical powers can be exercised in such a way that spells may be cast, enchantments made, bad or good luck established, the future foretold, lost [...] (from Encyclopedia of North Carolina, University of North Carolina Press.)
Dare Stones
by Childs, T. Mike, Agan, Kelly. The Dare Stones By T. Mike Childs (2013) and Kelly Agan (2019), Government & Heritage Library Listen to this entry Download MP3 audio The Dare Stones are a series of forty-eight rocks [...] (from Government & Heritage Library, State Library of North Carolina.)
Devil's Horse's Hoof Prints
by Barefoot, Daniel W. Devil's Horse's Hoof Prints near Bath are a series of small, saucer-shaped depressions reportedly in existence since 1813. Measuring four to five inches deep with sloping sides from six to ten [...] (from Encyclopedia of North Carolina, University of North Carolina Press.)
Devil's Tramping Ground
by Hewitt, Kimberly. Devil's Tramping Ground, located ten miles from Siler City in western Chatham County, is a foot-wide bare path forming a perfect circle 40 feet in diameter. Regional legend maintains that Satan [...] (from Encyclopedia of North Carolina, University of North Carolina Press.)
by Powell, William S. Doodlebugs, or ant lions, belong to the order of insects Neuroptera and are found in many parts of the world, including much of North Carolina. They came to be called doodlebugs about 1866. The [...] (from Encyclopedia of North Carolina, University of North Carolina Press.)
Folklore- Part 1: Introduction
by Baker, Bruce E., McFee, Philip, McMillan, Douglas J., Reavis, Shannon L. Folklore by Bruce E. Baker and Philip McFee, 2006 Additional research provided by Douglas J. McMillan and Shannon L. Reavis. See also: Brown Mountain Lights; Conjure; Devil's Horse's [...] (from Encyclopedia of North Carolina, University of North Carolina Press.)
Folklore- Part 2: Types of Folklore and the North Carolina Folklore Society
by Baker, Bruce E., McFee, Philip. Folklore by Bruce E. Baker and Philip McFee, 2006; Revised by SLNC Government and Heritage Library, July 2023 Additional research provided by Douglas J. McMillan and Shannon L. [...] (from Encyclopedia of North Carolina, University of North Carolina Press.)
Folklore- Part 3: North Carolina Folktales and Storytellers
by Baker, Bruce E., McFee, Philip. Folklore by Bruce E. Baker and Philip McFee, 2006 Additional research provided by Douglas J. McMillan and Shannon L. Reavis. See also: Brown Mountain Lights; Conjure; Devil's Horse's [...] (from Encyclopedia of North Carolina, University of North Carolina Press.)
Folklore- Part 4: Legends, Animal Tales, and Superstitions
by Baker, Bruce E., McFee, Philip. Folklore by Bruce E. Baker and Philip McFee, 2006; Revised November 2022. Additional research provided by Douglas J. McMillan and Shannon L. Reavis. See also: Brown Mountain Lights; [...] (from Encyclopedia of North Carolina, University of North Carolina Press.)
Folklore- Part 5: References
by Baker, Bruce E., McFee, Philip. Folklore by Bruce E. Baker and Philip McFee, 2006 Additional research provided by Douglas J. McMillan and Shannon L. Reavis. See also: Brown Mountain Lights; Conjure; Devil's Horse's [...] (from Encyclopedia of North Carolina, University of North Carolina Press.)
Ghost Train of Bostian's Bridge (from Tar Heel Junior Historian)
by Reevy, Tony. The Ghost Train of Bostian's Bridge by Tony Reevy Reprinted with permission from the Tar Heel Junior Historian. Fall 2008. Updated by the Government & Heritage Library, 12/2010. Tar [...] (from Tar Heel Junior Historian, NC Museum of History.)
by Simpson, Bland. Ghosts by Bland Simpson, 2006 The literature and lore of North Carolina are filled with stories of haunted islands, houses, churches, mines, trains, bridges, swamps, and mountains. The [...] (from Encyclopedia of North Carolina, University of North Carolina Press.)
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