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Rebecca Clark - Education

In this oral history excerpt, Rebecca Clark describes the extent of her education during the Great Depression and her youthful dreams of moving to Tuskegee, Alabama to finish her education.

Audio File: 

Rebecca Clark Oral History - Education by ncdigitalhistory


Audio Transcript

Rebecca Clark
I was to go into the eleventh grade but I had to stop. And I didn't finish high school. I had always wanted to go to Tuskegee, Alabama, and I had saved money to go to Tuskegee, Alabama. And I saved money the year that I was telling you about that I went to live with this family and this lady became ill and I was to stay there with her and her children, go to school, come back and cook and clean up for the teachers. That was going to be my job. I became ill with what I thought was appendicitis but it wasn't at that time. And that's when I had to go to the hospital. I had a bad case of indigestion, didn't know what it was. That took my money. It was only 100 dollars something but I had already written Tuskegee asking them could they use a student to finish high school and work with some of the faculty members in the other college. I don't know why I wanted to go to Tuskegee, Alabama. I just wanted to go to Tuskegee because that's where the man did the peanuts. Can't think of his name, now, I'm forgetting.Anyway, I didn't get to college. I don't regret it. I regret it, but I didn't, but I always wanted my children to because I worked hard so my children could go to school.

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