African American Members of First Baptist Church Hillsborough, NC Item Info
- Title:
- African American Members of First Baptist Church Hillsborough, NC
- Creator:
- Carter, Reginald
- Date Created:
- 1853-1868
- Description:
- Report published by the History and Records Ministry Team at First Baptist Church Hillsborough, NC. The report includes information about African American members of the church from its inception in 1853 through 1868, when an independent African American church was formed and later named Mount Bright Baptist Church. Includes transcription of church minutes where African American members were mentioned and a list of African American members' names.
- Subjects:
- United States--Church history African Americans--Religion African American churches
- Location:
- Hillsborough, North Carolina
- Source:
- North Carolina Family Records Collection
- Source Identifier:
- fhp_firstbaptisthillsborough.pdf
- Type:
- Text
- Format:
- text/html
- Preferred Citation:
- "African American Members of First Baptist Church Hillsborough, NC", Black History Month Digital Collection, State Library of North Carolina
- Reference Link:
- Rights:
- Users are responsible for determining the legal status of and securing any permissions necessary to distribute, reproduce, or make other use of this item.
- Standardized Rights: