In 1S9S L unsford Richardson opened the L. Richardson
Drug Company, shown here in 1899, and began to sell
his N icks Family Remedies wholesale to drugstores
throughout the state Image courtesy of the Greensboro
Historical Museum Archives.
memory- In
1935 his chilĀ¬
dren estabĀ¬
lished the
Foundation to
promote scienĀ¬
tific and charitable projects. Today Procter and
Gamble Company produces VapoRub and an
extended line of Vicks products. Nearly ninety years
after Richardson's death, his "magic" salve continĀ¬
ues to relieve the discomfort of sick people throughĀ¬
out the world.
but his legacy
and vision live
on. In the
years after his
death, a misĀ¬
sionary school,
a local hospital
for African
and a World
War II Liberty
ship were
named in his
White Uiuj Ca
254 value
Vicks products were advertised widely throughout the South. This window ad
dates from the 1930s. Image courtesy of the North Carolina Museum of History.
Activity: Fan Mail
The following is a letter sent to the Vick Chemical Company
about the wonders of Vicks VapoRub. Although the story is
somewhat of a "tall tale,ā it is one of many fan letters that
Lunsford Richardson's company received. Have you ever
considered writing a fan letter to someone? Think about an
invention that you use every day, and try writing a letter to
its inventor that tells him or her how much you enjoy the
Texas, 1917
No matter what happens, we won't part with the jar of Vicks.
My son's puppy was slow crossing a railroad track and a
fast train cut off his tail. We nibbed Vicks on him and it
grew another tail.
The miracle, however, was performed when the little boy
next door, who had always wanted a puppy, rubbed Vicks
on the part of the tail that had been cut off and grew himself
a dog!
Inventive Spirit: Pain Relief
When was aspirin invented? The
father of modem medicine,
Hippocrates, working between 460
and 377 BC, left records of pain-relief treatĀ¬
ments that included the use of powder
made from the bark and leaves of the wilĀ¬
low tree to help heal headaches, body
pains, and fevers. In 1829 scientists discovĀ¬
ered a pain-relieving compound called
salicin in willow plants. Salicylic acid was
tough on stomachs. In 1853 Charles
Gerhardt neutralized the acid but did not
pursue marketing his new find. Several
years later, Feliz Hoffman, an employee of
German company Bayer, found Gerhardt's
formula, marketed it, and sold it. Aspirin
was patented March 6, 1 889, and sold as a
powder. Tablets
came along in
Why headache
powders? It was
very common for
druggists in the
early 1 900s to buy
These packets of BC and Goody's headache powĀ¬
ders were made in the 1960s and 1990s in Durham
County and Forsyth County, respectively. Images
courtesy of the North Carolina Museum of History
raw materials and make their own prescripĀ¬
tions. Pills were harder for the local druggist
to make, so pain-relief powders developed
as a regional heritage.
BC Headache Powder: Pharmacists
Germain Bernard and Commodore Council
created their headache powder in 1906 at
the Five Points Drug Company in Durham.
Stanback Headache Powder: Thomas
Stanback, of Salisbury, created his
headache powder in 1911, as a young pharĀ¬
macist in a Thomasville drugstore. He
moved to Spencer to work at the Rowan
Drug Store while its pharmacist vacationed.
There he gave samples of his new
headache power containing aspirin to railĀ¬
roaders, who carried it up and down the
Southern line. Stanback persuaded his
younger brother Fred to try selling the powĀ¬
ders to area stores. Thomas prepared the
product by night, and Fred sold it by day.
Thomas used a flour sifter, then a sifter with
a hand crank to speed production. The
brothers began renting a building in
Spencer in 1927 and sold their powders
from Richmond, Virginia, to Columbus,
Georgia. In 1 932 a new Italian-made foldĀ¬
ing machine was purchased, and producĀ¬
tion moved to Salisbury. Full-scale national
Winston-Salem pharmacist Martin "Goody"
Goodman created his headache powder in
1 932. A. Thad Lewallen Sr. bought the forĀ¬
mula and trademark a few years later. His
marketing strategy based on sampling
introduced Goody's Headache Powder to
the Southeast and beyond. Samples were
handed out to factory workers at shift
changes. This promotional method created
a dedicated following. Demand soon outĀ¬
stripped production. In 1941 a modem proĀ¬
duction facility and an increased sales
force furthered boosted Goody's.
Bromo-Seltzer: Isaac Edward Emerson,
a native of Chapel Hill and 1 879 graduate
of the University of North Carolina at
Chapel H01, moved to Maryland in 1881. In
1 888, working behind the prescription countĀ¬
er of a modest drugstore, he created a remĀ¬
edy for headaches and indigestion. His
background in chemistry and pharmacy led
to the granular effervescent salt he named
Bromo-Seltzer and packaged in cobalt blue
glass bottles.
ā Suzanne Mewborn
THJH, Fall 2006