North Carolina Gazetteer browse

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OkokSee Ocracoke.
Olaformer community in W Haywood County near lat. 35°36'15" N., long. 83°08'00". The site is now within Great Smoky Mountains National Park and abandoned.
Old Apalachiaformer community in NW Cherokee County below and N of Apalachia Dam near the junction of Shuler Creek with Hiwassee River.
Old Bald Creekrises in S Haywood County and flows NE into Allen Creek.
Old Bald Mountainon Haywood-Jackson county line. Alt. 5,800. Named for bald appearance from the Jackson County side.
Old Bald Ridgeextends from Chastine Creek in E central Jackson County N and NE to Allen Creek in SW Haywood County. Named for Old Bald Mountain, one of its peaks.
Old BarfieldsSee Tuscarora Beach.
Old Bear, Thepoint of land off E Pamlico County extending into Jones Bay.
Old Bethlehemcommunity in SE Warren County near the Halifax-Warren county line.
Old Billy Topon the Cherokee-Graham county line in the Snowbird Mountains.