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Kits KnobN Buncombe County NW of Jones Knob in the Elk Mountains.
Kitten Creekrises in W Pitt County and flows NE into Otter Creek.
Kittrelltown in SW Vance County between Long Creek and Buffalo Creek. Alt. 372. Inc. 1885 and named for George Kittrell, who donated land for a railway station there. Confederate cemetery is there. Nearby Kittrell's Springs, which see, is said to have been the first summer resort in the state. Before the incorporation of the town, the community was known as Staunton. Served by post office since 1854. Kittrell College, est. 1886, was there. See also Epping Forest.
Kittrell TownshipS Vance County.
Kittrell's Springshealth resort and social and recreational center in the nineteenth century. Served as Confederate hospital. Springs are ½ mi. W of the town of Kittrell, SW Vance County.
Kitty Forkcommunity in N central Sampson County near Great Coharie Creek.
Kitty Hawktown and summer resort in E Dare County on the S boundary of the North Banks. Inc. 1981. Former site of the New Inlet. Settled before 1790. Name probably is a variation of an Indian place name, as it appears on maps as early as 1738 as Chickehauk. At nearby Kill Devil Hill, which see, in 1903, the Wright Brothers made the first successful powered airplane flight. Alt. 9.
Kitty Hawk BayNE Dare County at the E end of Albemarle Sound, which see. Bounded on the N by the S extremity of North Banks and on the S by Colington Island.
KlansoonaSee Terrapin Mountain.
Klesee Creekrises in NW Transylvania County and flows SW into Court House Creek.